Most people don't realize that their acne problem is caused by toxic buildup inside their body. Yes, you might think that acne is just a cosmetic problem that most teenagers have, but it's not as simple as that. You know, acne is a much bigger problem than that. It is caused by serious imbalance within your body.

Toxins play a big role in your acne formation. The more toxins that you have in your body, the more acne that will appear in your skin. That's why it is important for you to eliminate your acne from within. The first thing that you need to do is to eliminate toxins from your body. In this way, you will be able to cure your acne quickly and effectively. Detoxification is the best way to eliminate toxins from your body.

Follow this simple detoxification method to cure your acne fast.

Supplies needed:

  1. Lots of apples
  2. Avocado juices
  3. Water
  4. Green vegetables


  1. Each day, you will need lots of apples, 3-4 glasses of avocado juices, 8 glasses of water, and lots of green vegetables. Make sure to prepare those things in your refrigerator.

  2. Be determined to do this detoxification method for 3 days. Set the intention on your mind before you start the whole process. It is better for you not to stop in the middle of the process later.

  3. You should be ready to abstain from eating regular meals for at least 3 days. This is important to prevent any more toxic accumulation in your body.

  4. Each day in the morning, eat at least 5 apples, 1 glass of avocado juice, and drink fresh water as needed. This will serve as your breakfast.

  5. Each day at noon, eat the salad of green vegetables, 1 glass of avocado juice, some apples, and drink fresh water as you feel necessary. This will serve as your lunch.

  6. Each day at night, eat 5 apples, 1 glass of avocado juice, some green vegetables, and drink some water if necessary. This will serve as your dinner.

  7. Do this dietary routine for 3 days. Do not deviate from this routine unless you feel physically unhealthy in the process.

When you follow the instructions above, you will be able to clean the toxins within your body and heal your skin very quickly. Please note that during the process, you will need to excrete your bowel more often since you give much more fibers to your body than you usually do. This will trigger the digestive system to work more efficiently in eliminating toxins from your body.

As you can see, this method is very simple to do. Anybody can do it if they have the determination to do it. You can do it too, so don't throw this information away without acting on it. If you want more advice on how to cure your acne completely, you should take a look at a method called holistic acne cure system. This method has helped thousands of acne sufferers to get their clear skin back in less than 2 months. You should learn more about this incredible method here.

What does cinnamon bring to your mind? Flavorful cuisine! Well, cinnamon is a savory spice that has been extensively used in cooking. At the same time, it has curative properties, including the ability to cure acne. The onset of acne is attributed to several factors, such as hormonal fluctuations, overactive sebaceous glands, high stress levels, nutrient deficiencies and allergens, among others. Regardless of the underlying causes of acne, it is always sensible to take a natural approach for acne treatment. Let's see how cinnamon can help you!

Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of the cinnamon tree, which is native to tropical areas. Its use in food and medicine, especially Chinese medicine, dates as far back as 2000 B.C. Cinnamon can address several health issues, including diarrhea, flatulence, intestinal colic and menstrual cramps. It is also known to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. When it comes to natural acne treatment, cinnamon's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties play an important role. Additionally, cinnamon supports skin health by promoting blood flow to the skin. In other words, it brings essential nutrients to the skin surface. Cinnamon's major constituent is cinnamaldehyde. It also contains tannins, flavonoids and other health-giving plant pigments.

How can you use cinnamon for acne cure? You can use cinnamon in the powder form or as an essential oil. As little as three drops of the essential oil added to about two tablespoons of petroleum jelly can work wonders in rejuvenating your skin. The mixture can improve the tone of your lips and skin by reducing fine lines.You can also substitute petroleum jelly with olive oil. Cinnamon powder cleanses the skin by exfoliating the dead skin cells and eliminating the excess oil. It facilitates deep cleansing of the pores, thereby decreasing inflammation and checking the growth of bacteria that worsens acne.

One of the most popular home remedies for acne constitutes cinnamon and honey. Honey has equally attractive skin-health properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and moisturizing properties and works for all skin types - dry, oily and combination types. It is capable of absorbing impurities from clogged pores and its natural hydrogen peroxide content prevents bacterial infestation. For a simple yet effective recipe, mix a tablespoon of freshly ground cinnamon powder with two teaspoons of honey. Leave the mixture for about 15 minutes to let their properties diffuse well. To use the mix as a face mask, apply it on your face, leave for about 20 minutes and rinse. To use it for spot treatment, apply it on the affected spot and leave it overnight before washing off. The treatment is effective for back acne as well.

If you have sensitive skin, make sure that you conduct a spot test on your jawline or neck. It is important to remember that accidental ingestion of cinnamon powder can burn your mouth and throat and also lead to breathing problems. Those who are prone to hay fever or have pollen allergies must be cautious of allergic reactions associated with using honey.

Fruit smoothies provide you a different way to eat fruits. Smoothies mixed with other ingredients and nutrients can serve as a way to clear your acne and provide nutrients to clear constipation. Blended nutrients are digested quicker when in a liquid slurry then when in a solid food. Smoothies can be created that help build, cleanse, and heal your body.

In cases where you are depleted of various vitamins and minerals, smoothies are a way to bring these nutrients quickly into your body.

During the period where you have acne, drink more smoothies to detoxify toxic matter in your colon and else where in your body.

The smoothies I list in other articles provide you with plenty of fiber. Fiber is one of the main foods you want to increase in your eating plan.

In her book, New Facts About Fiber, 1997, Betty Kamen, Ph. D., talks about how fiber helps skin diseases,

"Treatment of any skin condition is always more effective when the intestinal tract is free of disease-producing fungi. Vegetable fiber is recommended to reduce yeast colonies between your intestinal villi - the threadlike projections covering the surface of the mucous membranes lining your small intestine, which serve as the absorption sites of nutrients. Fiber also helps to avoid yeast cells from invading your lymph tract and circulating blood. This is effective in clearing seborrheic eczema (the kind that causes excessive discharge from the sebaceous glands, forming greasy scales and cheesy plugs) and other skin conditions."

Drink your smoothie slowly. Do not drink it like water. The best way to drink it is to move the mixture around in your mouth so saliva is mixed with the smoothie ingredients. Drinking a smoothie too fast can lead to gas (air in the smoothie) to form in the stomach and intestine, which can cause some discomfort.

Once your smoothie is made, drink it within a few minutes. The smoothie ingredients will start to decay quickly as it has air mixed in from the blending process. If you fill a thermos to the top, you can use the smoothie for later.

In her book, The Big Book of Juices and Smoothies, 2003, Natalie Savona, gives some hints on storing your smoothie.

"There really is no such thing as storing a juice or smoothie - you can't beat drinking them the moment you've made them. However, you may like to take them out to work or on a picnic. In that case, the best way to store them is to put a teaspoon of vitamin C powder or a squeeze pf lemon juice in the bottom of the jug attached to the juicer. The vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, preventing the juice from turning brown. The same goes for smoothies. Also keep the drinks covered and cool - in a sealed container in the refrigerator, or in a thermos flask"
The development of anti-aging alpha hydroxy acid moisturizers is promising a new approach for adult onset female acne. To date thousands of women nationwide have successfully used the anti-aging acne treatment from Niora®, Alpha Clear®. Their experience with this moisturizing cleanser is compelling evidence that softening the skin and reducing wrinkles with alpha hydroxy acids can be an effective treatment for this persistent skin condition.

Niora® recognized over a decade ago the relationship between acne and anti-aging and has compiled thousands of testimonials, and completed two studies on Alpha Clear. The connection between anti-aging and acne first became apparent in the 1970's when two Dermatologists, Dr. Eugene Van Scott, and Dr. Albert Klingman begin investigating vitamin A as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide for the treatment of acne. The basis of most over-the-counter acne remedies such as Proactive, Clearasil and others, benzoyl peroxide has limited effectiveness and can be drying to the skin.

Dr Klingman eventually developed Retin A, a derivative of vitamin A, and Dr. Van Scott began working with the structurally similar Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). Neither of these researchers attracted much attention until it was noted that women using these substances for acne were experiencing a reduction in skin wrinkling. Retin A and AHAs quickly became most widely used anti-aging skin care ingredients in the world. One of the first to incorporate AHAs into anti-aging skin care, Niora® had already achieved acclaim for it's anti-aging moisturizers. By 1993 Niora® was receiving many testimonials from women who realized Niora® skin care was clearing up their acne.

In response, Niora® re-examined the potential of AHAs as an acne treatment. Niora Founder George Tindall explains, "We realized that just as Van Scott's AHA acne treatments faded wrinkling, our AHA anti-aging formulations were reducing acne." Niora had discovered that moisturizing the skin enhanced the effectiveness of AHAs to reduce acne. The missing piece of the puzzle was Niora's incorporation AHA into their sensitive skin friendly moisturizing formulas.

Ten years of experience with Alpha Clear® demonstrates that the best acne treatment might well be the best anti-aging cleanser.